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Along The Border: Del Rio, Texas
This west Texas town along the Rio Grande River offers lots of attractions for the history buff and outdoor enthusiast. Lake Amistad here is one of the largest lakes in the state.

There are several historic houses and buildings in town. Be sure to pick up an historical guide when in town, and drive by the Brinkley Mansion, where the eccentric Dr. Brinkley used to draw crowds to see his lighted water fountain and listen to organ music he played nightly. He started the powerhouse radio station XER in the 1930s in nearby Ciudad Acuna, which boomed out 1 million watts of broadcasting, including ads for his goat gland implant operations which professed to do the same as what viagra does today.

Situated just across the border from Del Rio, Ciudad Acuna provides a relaxing destination for across-the-border shopping, nightlife, and dining. Since our last visit though the area has changed and travel is not recommended.

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