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The Medieval Times, Atlanta, GA

A Knight of Medieval Jousting and Dinner
by Tommy Ford
The newest Castle in the Medieval Times (www.medievaltimes.com) chain is conveniently located in the Discover Mills Mall in Lawrenceville, Georgia.

Spend some time exploring the Mall, but be sure to buy your Medieval Times tickets as far ahead of time as possible to avoid lines. Arriving at least an hour in advance will allow time to explore the gift shop, have your photo made in Medieval attire, or check out the eerie displays in the dungeon. Being "knighted" by the King is very popular, especially with the younger folks.
Upon arrival your party will be assigned a colored crown. The color determines where you will sit as well as which knight to cheer on to victory.
After being seated we were served promptly by the friendly staff. This was our second trip to Medieval Times, the previous trip was to the Myrtle Beach Castle, and we had fond memories of the food. We were not disappointed. Everything was served hot and fresh. The kids really liked eating without utensils. It's OK to get messy, but don't worry too much about it. The staff will bring you a warm towelette to clean your hands.
Medieval Times' stable of beautiful Andalusian horses provided dinner entertainment. These magnificent animals were used as war horses. Their trainers show how it was done with amazing feats of skill. Another favorite was the falcon which circled the arena not far above our heads.
After dinner, the drama begins. Medieval tournaments may be common in your home town, but where I'm from they're pretty rare. Mounted knights compete to see who is best at various challenges. However, all is not well in the kingdom. There is treachery afoot. Now our knights must battle for the honor of the King, the Princess, and the kingdom. Not to fear, good wins out and one brave young knight vanquishes the villain and wins the hand of the fair princess.
Medieval Times is good clean fun for the whole family. Our audience included everyone from small children to retirees. All joined in cheering their knight to victory. You will not find a show anything like this anywhere else. Any of the seven Castles is sure to put on a show you will long remember.
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