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Monday, November 10, 2008
our hectic age, it's easy for us to forget sometimes the sacrifices of
those who fought to preserve and sustain our freedoms.
This Veteran's Day reminds us of the great service that our soldiers have done and continue to do to preserve our great freedoms we enjoy.
Thank a veteran today. Shake their hand and let them know how much you appreciate and are proud of them. Take them to lunch.
Honor those who have gone before us by paying tribute to their sacrifices. They are our greatest heroes.
A Soldier's Prayer
This Veteran's Day reminds us of the great service that our soldiers have done and continue to do to preserve our great freedoms we enjoy.
Thank a veteran today. Shake their hand and let them know how much you appreciate and are proud of them. Take them to lunch.
Honor those who have gone before us by paying tribute to their sacrifices. They are our greatest heroes.
A Soldier's Prayer
O Christ, My King on bended knee.
My Leader I salute!
Help me to serve thee faithfully;
Sins error to refute.
I beg to grace to do my part.
Throughout this mortal war.
For courage and a soldier's heart.
Though cannons blast and roar.
Protect me when Death's flags are high.
But if it be Thy Will,
That I should die, then let me die..
Thy Friend, Thy soldier still.
Joe Kelly, 1944
Former POW, he was captured by the Germans, and went from 145 to 98 pounds in 23 days. He escaped, but was recaptured, and held prisoner at Stalag 7A until he was liberated by American troops.
Tell our troops how much we care about them. We can show our thanks to these brave patriots by sending them a small token of our appreciation, a little bit of comfort from home to make their thanksgiving a little easier. The holidays are a tough time for our soldiers in harm’s way. They will be missing their families on Turkey Day, but we can do OUR BEST to show them that we care, and that we are still back home supporting them and their fight! Through the Move America Forward website you can send a care package to our troops.
Visit here for more information
Former POW, he was captured by the Germans, and went from 145 to 98 pounds in 23 days. He escaped, but was recaptured, and held prisoner at Stalag 7A until he was liberated by American troops.
Tell our troops how much we care about them. We can show our thanks to these brave patriots by sending them a small token of our appreciation, a little bit of comfort from home to make their thanksgiving a little easier. The holidays are a tough time for our soldiers in harm’s way. They will be missing their families on Turkey Day, but we can do OUR BEST to show them that we care, and that we are still back home supporting them and their fight! Through the Move America Forward website you can send a care package to our troops.
Visit here for more information